Monday 3 October 2011

Clubs that fit

If your clubs are more than 5 years old, it may be about time you consider switching to a set of fitted clubs. Technology has progressed to the point where golf club features are very much tailored to the specifics of the golfer using them. The lie, the length, the weight. And really, it makes sense; a golfer who is 6'2 will swing quite differently than a golfer who is 5'9, especially when they're both using the same "off the rack" set. Fitted clubs WILL take strokes off your score; this article explains more.

By Barbara Gardella

Every golfer’s swing is as unique as the golfer. There is rarely, if ever, a common swing found between golfers. From the address through the follow through, no two swings are the same. The nuances can be as simple as the height of the golfer to as in-depth as the knee flex at contact.

From beginners to professionals, it is very important to consider whether you need to get custom fit golf clubs. For the lower handicap players, a set of custom made golf clubs can help you get closer to a “scratch” golfer level. Higher handicap players should evaluate how much it is worth to them to cut some strokes off of their score with custom fit golf clubs, before they shop for clubs.

There are some distinct benefits to using a set of custom fit golf clubs. The main distinctive characteristics that affect every golfer are differing heights, addresses to the ball, weights, and multiple other distinct characteristics. When you take into consideration all of the aspects that make us distinct as golfers, and humans, you begin to understand just how important playing a set of golf clubs that are built to suit your game, specifically, can be.

The length of the golf club is one of the main factors to consider when you are thinking of getting custom fit golf clubs. You will, naturally, accommodate for a shaft length that is either too short or too long for you. However, this can be corrected with a custom fit golf club, and can also allow you to swing more comfortably rather than changing your swing to accommodate the incorrect club length.

Another of the major factors to be considered when getting custom fit clubs is the weight of and where the weight lies in the club head. Each person’s swing will benefit from weight sitting in a different area of the golf club head. If you are having trouble getting the ball in the air, it will benefit you to have the weight placed in the more rearward portions of the head. The more you move the weight towards the front, if possible depending on the club head, the lower the trajectory of the ball.

Custom fit clubs allow you to get the most out of your swing; and your equipment; and will take strokes off of your score. However, it is always important to remember that a custom fit golf club is not a remedy or replacement for practice and a strong commitment to improving your game.

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